The Inevitable “Step Mom”

The Inevitable “Step Mom”

My Kindergartner comes running through the yard after her bus dropped her off. We’re towards the end of the school year and I can’t believe how independent she is. She’s squealing in excitement, “MOM! MOM! Look what I have!” She says. She’s clutching a brown paper bag decorated in her artwork. “It’s something we are supposed to give our moms,” she continued, “but I’m going to give it to (let’s call her Kenzie) since she’s almost my step-mom.” 

There it was, the inevitable title someone, some day would get. I’d be lying if I didn’t admit that it stung a little. (Maybe more than a little.)

“I’m going to show you”, she said “but I’m going to give it to Kenzie…” she says again, driving the dagger a little deeper. “because I never give her anything.” She finished. Damn it, she’s got a good heart. She’s just trying to be fair. She’s trying to include her as part of the family like she did when My husband and I got married. 

I sat down with her in the living room and waited with a lump in my throat as she started to open the bag. What precious treasure did she have in there? My mind filled with the ornaments and artwork she had already made me over the years. You know, the ones you keep for their file/memory box. The ones with their school picture or hand print. Each piece they pour their little heart into hoping you’ll find joy in their masterpiece. 

Finally, she pulled out a live flower in a little paper cup. She held it so gently (which is a big deal since she’s a never stop running kind of kid. I could tell she loved it, she was proud of keeping it safe and was excited to give it to Kenzie. 

“It’s beautiful” I finally said. “And you have a beautiful heart for wanting to include Kenzie in mothers day. I think she’ll love it.” I kissed her forehead and watched her very carefully put the flower back in the bag. “ANNND” she said, “I’m going to make you something different for Mothers Day.” As if she wanted to ensure I wasn’t feeling left out. My almost 6 year old, concerned about my emotional health.

I couldn’t be more proud…talk about a great Mothers Day present! A perfect example of the kind hearted kid my little girl has come to be. 

Obviously, we’re all human. There’s always going to be a slight lump in my throat in these situations from here on out. Some may call it a double standard since I too got remarried. I wanted the girls to welcome the idea of a step-dad so how can I be hurt when there is a prospect of a step-mom? Regardless of how this might make me feel from time to time, overall, I’m grateful to be raising such kind-hearted kids and I’m hopeful that Kenzie finds the same joy I do in all the masterpieces she’s going to receive from here on out. 

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